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Vote for Jon Twigge on Thursday

by paulankers on 4 May, 2016

A short post to ask for your support in tomorrow’s local elections.

Jon Twigge has worked hard for our area and kept in touch all year round to let you know what he’s been doing.

If elected as your councillor, Jon will continue to campaign for Hazel Grove ward – bringing practical ideas that improve the area for residents like the Park and Ride to Stepping Hill discounted weekly ticket. He will continue to oppose Conservative plans such as cutting support for the Northern Powerhouse. He’ll listen and action all the issues you need him to in Hazel Grove ward.

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 5th May and it looks set to be another close fight between Jon Twigge and the Conservatives. Please give Jon Twigge your support tomorrow.
Don’t leave it to others – they might be leaving it to you!

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