KFC Litter but A Positive Response

by jontwigge on 24 July, 2017

A call into KFC in recent weeks was met with a very disappointing site.

Cllr Jon Twigge was shocked to see that the local KFC is Hazel Grove had let the bins in their car park get so full and for so long that the result was that there was rubbish all over the car park – a clear health hazard as well as looking very untidy.  Many visitors had tried to keep things as tidy as possible by stacking rubbish by the bins but much of it had spread around the car park.

The photo below shows one of the bins full to overflowing:


“Despite being asked, staff at the KFC had still not cleaned up the mess an hour after I informed them it needed doing so I was left no choice but to complain to their head office, complete with a photo, using their online contact form.” said Jon.

The good news is that KFC’s customer care team responded to Jon’s online complaint very positively and on a more recent visit the car park was much cleaner and tidier.

Please don’t be shy when our local businesses fail like this – it is often quite easy to let them know through their website and their reputation is important to them so they normally respond positively.

KFC’s response in full:

Dear Jon,
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us here at KFC and providing us with feedback about your experience at our Stockport – London Road restaurant. We love to hear from our customers as it helps us to focus on the things that matter most.
Firstly, we would like to apologise that on this occasion we did not meet the high standards that we always pride ourselves on.
Something has clearly gone wrong here, as we expect all of our restaurants teams to provide a clean and inviting environment for our customers!
Thank you for working with us on this, and please rest assured that we will be addressing your concerns directly with the restaurant that you visited. In addition, the Area Coach, Peter will be back in the restaurant again very soon to ensure we are maintaining our usual high standards.
We really hope that in the meantime you’ll give us the opportunity to serve you something from our tasty menu again!
Best wishes on behalf of all of us at KFC,


   1 Comment

One Response

  1. J. Cook says:

    Some years ago now when the raised beds in Stockport centre had been built but not yet filled, they were frequently used as litter bins. Inevitably both McDonalds and Burger King containers made up a significant part of the rubbish.
    One day I noticed an employee of one of them, but I can’t remember which, clearing up his firms containers and ignoring those of the rival.
    Very public spirited!

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