Torkington Road Pelican Crossing Fails Again

by jontwigge on 7 January, 2018

The pelican crossing lights on Torkington Road near to the park have failed again today.

A Typical Pelican Crossing

We have reported this to the TfGM emergency number to try to get them fixed as soon as possible.  Being a Sunday, the line went through direct to TfGM’s contractor, and we spoke to someone in Hampshire!

A lot of people use this crossing to get to and from Torkington Park and when it is busy it is not easy to cross.  What makes it more difficult is that in one direction the cars are travelling quickly but in the other direction towards the A6 they are queueing and moving stop / start as the main A6 traffic lights change. The junction very close by with Hazelwood Road makes it even more complicated.  Pedestrians have to get through the queueing traffic and then look for faster cars going in the other direction.

What is more worrying is that this is not the first time these lights have failed recently so we are asking why is this – were they not repaired properly last time?


10 Responses

  1. Bryan Whittleworth says:

    I passed them last night. Broken again?

  2. J. Cook says:

    Your point about repairs not always being done properly rang a bell. Trivial maybe but perhaps symptomatic. Last week a crew were either repairing or servicing the second street light on the right side of Offerton Road after Brinkburn Road.

    Since that time that light has been permanently lit, day and night, wasting electricity and consequently money the council is so short of. Shoddy work or careless management?

    Joe Cook

  3. Debbie de Lacy-Erskine says:

    The road is not wide enough on Torkington road where it divides into two lanes. Cars going towards the A6 on the left, mount the path frequently, to pass queuing cars wanting to turn right. Especially as the left lights turn green before the right. This is dangerous and damaging to the pavements.

    • jontwigge says:

      Hi Debbie,

      yes, we regularly hear about this – it has been a problem for years. There used to be a small bollard to stop people driving on the pavement but I am told the lorries kept driving into it over and over and the cost to keep repairing it was too much. We have looked into various ways to sort this out but most are not possible or very expensive.

      Recently i suggested we move the park and ride sign to the other side of the pavement. This would hopefully stop everyone from driving on the pavement and take pedestrians to the other side away from the traffic making it much safer. I didn’t hear back from officers but thanks to your reminder I am going to chase this again and see if we can get it done.



      • lynda harper says:

        part of the pavement on torkington rd near the lights junction with A6 needs to be moved back to the original pavement so then the road will be wide enough for traffic to move into the left hand lane ,why is that pavement coming out into the road anyway ,making the road narrower.

        • jontwigge says:

          Hi Lynda,

          we have been discussing this for some time trying to find a good solution. The buildout allows traffic coming out of the side road to be able to come out far enough to see oncoming traffic from the right – I am pushing to see if we can make that road one way to solve that. There are also utilities under the buildout which would make it very expensive to move (several tens of thousands of pounds! ) so it is not as simple as it might seem on the surface.


  4. D. G. Cheetham says:

    The problem with the Pelican lights on Torkington Road is that a large puddle collects, when it rains, on the road in front of the control box. Cars go through the puddle, drench the box which stops the lights from working.

    • jontwigge says:

      Thank you Mr Cheetham,

      I will let council officers know – if this is contributing to the problem then perhaps we can sort the problem out.

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