Transport in Stockport – Hazel Grove Bypass

by jontwigge on 1 September, 2017


The South East Manchester Multi-Modal (SEMMM) Strategy, or SEMMMS for short)  refresh is underway with a public consultation.

The SEMMMS strategy is what brought us the A6MARR Manchester Airport relief road and also calls for the A6 to Bredbury road which includes our own Hazel Grove bypass (with a spur back to the A6 by Sainsbury).

The Hazel Grove Bypass:

Cllr Jon Twigge is keen to see the bypass built saying “With a bypass Hazel Grove would be transformed by keeping a lot of the heavy traffic out of the centre.  Building on that it would then be viable to regenerate the town centre with investment,  extra parking and it would be much easier and safer to cross the road.  An altogether better and more desirable environment would see both more shops and visitors.”

For more information and to comment on the strategy visit:



8 Responses

  1. Tracey Lancaster says:

    Efforts would be better spent on improving public transport instead of destroying precious greenery & ancient woodlands. More roads equals more traffic long term & are an expensive short term solution at high cost to our air quality, noise levels and greenery. This road is NOT the answer

    • paulankers says:

      Thanks Tracey. As a train user I agree about the need to improve our public transport. We need much better public transport with more options before most car users would abandon them.

  2. Anthony says:

    I do not like the route of the proposed new bypass along the river goyt and cutting across the feilds near Offerton, it’s going to bring noise and vehicle fumes closer to my property, not to mention the fact it is cutting through woodland that helps to keep pollution levels down in the area. If this road goes through near to me the Liberal democrats will lose any chance of me ever supporting them again in any future election.

    • jontwigge says:

      Hi Anthony, I really appreciate your comment. Personally I am torn by the potential loss of some of the valley but we need the bypass so much that at the moment I am definitely leaning toward the needs of our town.

      In terms of the votes, I think that many of the councillors support the new road, of all parties. I don’t see this issue as a political one between the main parties.

  3. Lyn says:

    Dismay that another duel carriageway is seen as a way to route traffic off the A6. What devastation of outstanding areas of beauty and wildlife will be lost as traffic moves away from shops and is routed around residential property and schools in an area the residents chose to live in,away from traffic!! If the council did a real time survey of how many traffic lights are set to cause traffic problems along the A6 and Marple road and adjusted them maybe some of the problems would be alleviated!! We should be waiting to see what impact the unfinished roads have on transport and congestion before this consultation takes place as at the moment traffic is jammed and unable to move freely around this area.

    • jontwigge says:


      thanks for the comment – I completely agree re the beauty and wildlife.

      In other respects, I cannot agree completely. The route for the road has been reserved and on plans for many years and decades and has been discussed for almost 90 years !

      The traffic lights are always tuned as much as possible to make traffic flow. I know it is hard to believe at times when you are stuck in all the traffic but it would be much worse without all the hard work of people trying to keep things flowing. That is not to say it is perfect by any means but the major problem is the huge volume of traffic and all the competing needs and variety of that traffic.

      With regard to the businesses, if you speak to many of them, it is actually all the heavy traffic through Hazel Grove that kills business – taking through traffic away from the centre would lift business enormously and allow us to regenerate the town centre.

      Traffic models are not perfect but they are very good – the evidence is – and it was assumed when the A6 MARR was given the go ahead that the A6 to Bredbury link would be, and is, needed especially when the first half (A6 MARR opens).

      My view is moving strongly towards the need for the A6 to Bredbury route BUT ONLY IF we guarantee to use the additional capacity to improve public transport as much as possible (priority bus areas and routes, better links between buses, trams and trains and even cycling and walking) rather than it simply filling up with ever more cars until we are back where we started.

  4. Steve Divall says:

    I have lived in Hazel Grove since 1973 and have slowly seen the village destroyed and businesses leave with a dramatic increase in traffic made worse by the road junction outside Sainsburys.The Council do not seem to be able to get their act together and get the much needed by pass built. I now aged 75 doubt that I will ever see it happen. I do not understand the philosophy of our Councillors.

    • jontwigge says:

      Hi Steve,

      I think a majority of Stockport Councillors have and still do want the bypass but it is very expensive and it needs government money to make it happen. It has been cancelled twice in the past because government decided not to fund it and in fact, we are waiting for government money at the moment to proceed with the next stage of the plans again.

      It would be at least ten years before it is built if everything went ahead straight way and of course it could be much longer if at all.

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