Stockport Labour Propose Move to 3-weekly bin collections

by paulankers on 5 October, 2016

Fears of increased flytipping and noxious smells have been raised in light of proposals by Stockport Labour to make black bin collections three weekly.

The proposal will mean a new 180 litre black bin to replace the 140 litre one you will have received less than 5 years ago. Labour Councillors want us to take out a £3.5M loan to pay for these bins.

Local Campaigner Paul Ankers is concerned, “Flytipping may increase, black bags in gardens might too. Stockport folk recycle really well, so this is genuine black bag waste that needs to go somewhere.

Stockport, under the LibDems, was commended for having one of the best recycling rates in the country. It is hard to see this improving.


5 Responses

  1. Alastair says:

    Some of us (flat dwellers) get blue bin bags instead of the black bin. Am I supposed to keep three bags outside my flat between collections? Laughable!

  2. Bob Pigeon says:

    I thought this was a hung council and therefore you could stop it. What is the problem?
    I agree that it is economic madness so what justification are they putting forward?

  3. Dr. Sue Holland says:

    Absolutely ridiculous scheme, these are people who we voted to look after our interests. How much was spent on the original black bins? I am a single homeowner and completely fill my bin each fortnight so how do people with families cope? Judging by the bulging bins not very well. To change to a three week cycle will exacerbate the situation as the proposed new bins wouldn’t have the capacity to take the increased refuse. Have we nothing more important to spend our money on, l think so.

  4. Really disappointed now that there is a Labour council in charge that this change is being mooted for the bins.

    With a baby in nappies this just really isn’t on at all 🙁

  5. kathy kelly says:

    if it’s not broken why changed it. Is the only idea they can come up with? How useless are this party1

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