A6 to Airport Relief Road (A6MARR) Public Meeting

by jontwigge on 21 September, 2016

If you live close to the road you may have had a letter about the next public update from the A6MARR project team but everyone is welcome to drop in – the Hazel Grove one will be at the Civic Hall on London Road on Tuesday 4th October.   You can drop in anytime from 2pm till 8pm.

At the meeting you will be able to catch up with the Carillion Morgan Sindall project team, view plans and find out how works are progressing.  Stockport Council  officers will be there, as Stockport is the lead council on the project, and I will be there from around six.

And if you can’t make it you can always take a look at the latest information on the web site www.semmms.info




Progress is being made all along the A6 MARR route – I see the A6 end most living close to the start of the road.  One of the most visible signs from the A6 up here is the new bus bridge that will carry buses and emergency vehicles over the new road close to the current A6 at Simpson’s corner.  I have grabbed a screenshot (above) from the flypast on the MARR website (http://a6marr.stockport.gov.uk/) showing the new rail and bus bridges where the new road cuts right through the current A6.






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