Hazel Grove Carnival on Saturday 16th July

by jontwigge on 4 July, 2016

Hazel Grove Carnival will be on Saturday 16th July with lots to do and see throughout the day.

This year the theme of the carnival is Rio and there will be lots of schools, community groups, dancing, bands and local businesses involved. The carnival leaves Highfield Road at 11:30am, going right through the Grove so everyone gets a chance to see it.

In Torkington Park there will be lots of activities and stalls from ten in the morning including Live music, Dance troupes, Miniature railway, Great Grove Bake, Miniature garden competition, a dog show and much more!

We will be there in the Park with a Liberal Democrat Tombola again, please do come and see us for a chat and try to win one of the many prizes on offer. (And if you want to donate a prize do let us know – [email protected])

Please support the carnival, it is really well organised and a great day out for everyone.  More information at www.hazelgrovecarnival.com.

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