Hazel Grove people on the Hazel Grove floods

by paulankers on 26 June, 2016

Local people have been offering their thoughts on the floods to your local LibDem team.


Alan & Helen had never seen anything like this in Hazel Grove, “We have lived in hazel Grove for a long time and never encountered flooding like we had.”


Susan said what many were thinking about the cause of the problems. ; “Lack of maintainance and blocked grids in Hazel Grove and Torkington Park overgrown all contributory factors in floods”


Graham said,”With climate change it will be more common, but we had two inches of rain in less than two hours which is unprecedented,”


Sam said, “More regular and diligent crearing of the iron grid would haver prevented what became a dam which then held the water back and created a lake in Torkington Park that eventually overflowed over the wall and into the road.”


Mrs Leckey raised a fear that has been talked about all over Hazel Grove this Jun, “Is it true that as part of the new SEMMS Road building, Carillion have been given permission to drain/ redirect water courses into surrounding brooks?”


John agreed, “The work on the new A6 diversion was certainly a factor.”


Dave had a simple solution, “Plant trees, stop building, keep rivers well maintained, look after the drainage system – simple.”


Paula worried about the groups that use the Torkington Centre, “The centre is now closed minimum four weeks if everything goes according to plan. I am self employed and if I don’t work I don’t get paid. There are a lot of hirers that use the building who will all now be struggling to find new venues so they can continue to earn a living.”


Gill was unhappy with the work of many of the key organisations that should have helped her, “I was offered no assistance by Police whose sole contribution appeared to be to sit in their vehicle at the edge of the water. Nor did I see any other emergency services or council representatives. I am still awaiting a response with regard to increased refuse collection and additional skips to the proposed one and the opposite end of the road. Nor have I received a response to my query regarding reduced council tax during my enforced absence.”


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