Stockport Council Wellbeing Festival

by jontwigge on 17 October, 2017

The Council’s Wellbeing Festival takes place from 11am to 2pm on Monday 23 October in the Town Hall Ballroom and celebrates the beginning of Great Britain Health and Wellbeing Week.

Council employees and members of the public are invited to the event which will include a wide range of stalls, information and activities to inspire people to improve their health and wellbeing.

Cllr Jon Twigge commented “I am passionate about wellbeing for everyone and I will be at the Festival. Wellbeing is really important especially given our busy modern lives and yet we are only really getting to grips with it as a society recently.

“Recent news that the head of Osted says we are not even giving our children a rounded education, that our prisons are in crisis and mental health provision is still not good enough are just some of the signs that point to a government that simply does not understand the importance of wellbeing in our society.”

For further information please email [email protected]

A government report suggests five simple ways to improve wellbeing:


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