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16-18 Year-Old’s Can Now Register For Half Price Travel in GM

by jontwigge on 3 September, 2017

Stockport’s 16-18 year-old’s urged to get travel smart and register for a get me there card.

Stockport Council is encouraging the 10,000 16-18 year olds who live in the borough to register for a get me there smart card. From September 3rd the card will enable all 16-18 years in Greater Manchester to be able to benefit from half price 1 day bus travel across Greater Manchester. In addition where travel is across more than one bus operator the new Get Me There Card will mean only one payment is required.

For information about the scheme and how to register for a get me there card visit
For information on public transport across Greater Manchester visit, call 0161 244 1000 (7am-8pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am-8pm at weekends and bank holidays) or follow @OfficialTfGM on Twitter

• The discount scheme for 16-18 year olds will see Greater Manchester Travelcards Ltd (GMTL), which represents all bus companies in Greater Manchester, extending its multi-operator 50% discounted 16 and under 18 ticket and introducing a Junior Day Ticket to cover 16 to 18 year olds. Eligibility to use the ticket would run up to the 31 August after the user’s 18th birthday.
• As with the existing igo card scheme for under-16s, ongoing eligibility will be linked to behaviour – with poor or anti-social behaviour resulting in the card being withdrawn.
• The Get Me There Card is available to all public transport users and uses a single smart card for journeys on any Greater Manchester tram and bus.

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