Standing up for Hazel Grove All Year Round Learn more
by paulankers on 5 March, 2017
All Stockport’s street lights are set for a revamp to LED technology & one uniform style following pressure from your local LibDem team.
Local Campaigner Paul Ankers has reported dozens of failing lights over the last 6 months and many fail again and again. The patchwork nature of the network is unsightly too and reflects poorly on Stockport.
Paul Ankers commented, “This is much needed. The scheme is costly, but very necessary. Hazel Grove deserves better.”
Jon Twigge is demanding Hazel Grove is at the front of the queue. “There are too many broken lights in the ward and Town Hall bosses put us to the back of the queue too often”
1 Comment
I am very pleased to finally see something being done about this issue. The lighting is very outdated especially in the Hazel Grove area. Is this definitely going to happen? And what details are there about when it is going to begin and the timescale?