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Huge Investment Boost for Housing in Stockport

by jontwigge on 8 February, 2017

In a bid to increase affordable housing in Stockport, Stockport Homes has been allocated £10.6 million of funding from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to contribute towards the construction of 421 affordable homes across the borough over the next five years.


The funding was allocated from the HCA under its £1.28 billion Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme 2016 to 2021, to support the building of 46,534 new affordable homes across the UK.

These new homes will be delivered under the exciting new partnership between the Council and Stockport Homes known as ‘Viaduct Housing Partnerships’ and will not only provide much needed affordable housing, but will help boost local economies and create numerous jobs and training opportunities at construction sites.

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