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Stockport Council Liberal Democrat Budget Announcement

by paulankers on 15 March, 2016

Stockport councillors voted to approve the Lib Dem budget that had to cope with the biggest cuts in the history of the borough and the 3.75% “Osborne Tax” – the amount the Government is asking authorities to increase council tax by.

A Conservative amendment to increase council tax by 2% by scrapping plans to improve parks, play areas and town and village centres was defeated. The Conservative plan would also have removed transition funding for charities helping vulnerable people over the coming year.

Lib Dem Council Leader Sue Derbyshire said “The Conservative group proposed an amendment that would have forced the council to raise tax or cut services even more in future years, and it was rightly rejected by the council.”

Deputy Leader Iain Roberts, who proposed the budget, said “We have seen cut after cut after cut from the Government, with George Osborne asking councils to increase council tax. This is a tough budget but by working innovatively with our partners we’ve met the challenge and protected vital services for residents.”

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