Standing up for Hazel Grove All Year Round Learn more
by paulankers on 18 September, 2015
Following pressure from local residents, the council have put forward a proposal to extend and enforce the double yellow lines at the junction of Douglas Road, Queen’s Road and Wesley Street. Liberal Democrat Councillor Kevin Hogg has advised the Council that they should proceed to a local consultation prior to its implementation.
Local residents were becoming increasingly concerned about high numbers of non residents cars parking in the area. LibDems worked with these residents to find a solution.
Jon Twigge and the local Liberal Democrat team would like to thank everyone for their feedback and comments on what had become a dangerous situation which will hopefully soon be resolved.
1 Comment
Could also do with extending yellow lines onhazel street/commercial Rd as at times carnt get into hazel St as vans n cars park level with commercial Rd .pedestrians carnt cross without stepping onto commercial Rd. As way obstructed with cars/vans. An accident waiting to happen.