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Success! – LibDem Campaign to Make Stepping Hill Hospital a Specialist Hospital Wins Out

by paulankers on 15 July, 2015

Local LibDems and health chiefs are celebrating success in the fight to get Stepping Hill Hospital selected as a specialist hospital.


A unanimous decision was made this afternoon (15th July) to grant the status to Stepping Hill.

LibDem campaigner Lisa Smart ran a huge campaign in the Autumn of 2014, to get local feeling heard. Hundreds of petitions were returned. Lisa said, “Thank you to all of the thousands of people who signed our petition to make Stepping Hill a Specialist Hospital. A fantastic result!”

Ann Barnes, the chief executive of Stepping Hill, said: “This is important beyond Stepping Hill. It’s important for Greater Manchester. The people who live in Greater Manchester and those served by the region’s hospitals are going to have the ability to have the very best of care.”



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