Standing up for Hazel Grove All Year Round Learn more
by paulankers on 13 March, 2020
This morning the UK went into the ‘Delay’ stage of their strategy to deal with the worldwide pandemic that is Covid-19, also known as Coronavirus.
It appears the government strategy will take about 16 weeks or more to complete. Much of the plan is to continue as normal although I expect more and more public events will be cancelled. Its impact will peak in mid-summer. The impact upon our lives has barely started.
We all need human contact and our most vulnerable people are often our loneliest, living at home alone and less active. Leaving them housebound for months will harm their health and mental health. Exposing them to people could result in contraction of a deadly virus.
The solution is a grey area, a nuanced response and a personal decision, but it is important Hazel Grovers look out for each other in a sensible way.
The government strategy is risky. Many other countries have engaged in containment on a greater scale. Individual organisations, like the Football League and theatres are cancelling events, but other countries are getting a greater government steer.
This is up there with Spanish Flu and the plague in terms of seriousness.
This is going to be a difficult year, but one we will get through together.
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