Improved Security For Torkington Park

by paulankers on 7 February, 2020

Your LibDem team have secured funding to make Torkington Park more secure.

Two separate schemes will be installed in 2020; improved barriers will prevent incursions into our park as seen in September 2019 and a series of lights will be installed across the park so walking through the park after dark is safer. The lights will be off between 10pm and 5am to be fair to its neighbours on Lingfield Ave, High St etc.

Cllr Charles Gibson said, “We will not truly know how strong our park security is until it gets tested, but we will not rest until Hazel Grove is a safer place.”

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. David Moore says:

    Hi Charles,

    That’s great news. When the travellers came in September 2019, they wrecked the football pitches and caused an absolute mess everywhere. The ‘Torkington Centre’ was also broken in to.

    Keep up the good work.



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