Free Training Courses for Adults on Benefits

by paulankers on 31 December, 2018

The team have been contacted by a training provider, Think Employment. Many people seem to struggle as they don’t know where they can go to access  training and support in our region. Their courses are funded by the European Social fund and are FREE to customers over 19 claiming any benefit where they are wanting to work or employed customers earning under £15,750 per year. Math & English is free to all.

 They offer stand alone qualifications E.G Math, English & ICT and sector specific workshops, where possible, employer led.
Our vacancy led skills programme are pathways to sectors. Giving people with little or no work experience the opportunity to gain qualifications to get them started. We also include a bonus course relevant to the sector they are looking for work in and assist with CV, interview skills.
The Hospitality workshop will include either a Food Hygiene certificate or Barista training depending on which employer we are working with.
This sounds like something that could benefit some people in Hazel Grove. Cllr Ankers hopes to visit the organisation in 2019.
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