Planning Officers Recommend Approval for McCarthy and Stone Development

by jontwigge on 4 July, 2018

After lengthy discussion and negotiation with McCarthy and Stone, planning officers are recommending that their plan for 40 new apartments on Commercial Road at the site of the former Royal Oak should be approved.

A strong argument for the plans were the need for housing generally especially given that Stockport’s housing plans are getting older and more likely to be challenged by developers.

Major factors in the negotiation were the loss of the recreational green space that was the bowling green behind the Royal Oak and a lack of affordable homes in the new building. To offset these requirements McCarthy and Stone will be required to pay substantial sums toward facilities at Torkington Park and alternative affordable housing elsewhere.

In the end, the application did not receive many objections from the public and the application will come before the Stepping Hill Area Committee for a recommendation by local councillors on the 10th July and the full planning meeting after that.

More details are in the agenda for the Area Committee on the council website:  Item 5 (i)

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