Commercial Rd Closed Overnight

by paulankers on 28 February, 2017

Commercial Rd will be closed overnight after workmen found a void under the road. Contractors should be investigating and repairing the issue overnight. Most of the problems are caused by improper construction of utility networks and poor rehabilitation work.

LibDem Paul Ankers lives on Talbot St, very close to the area affected, ‘Some places, like Bangkok, proactively search for voids like this using radar technology. I guess our Council likes surprises, but I live in this area and I am concerned. It better open on Wednesday.’

Please follow diversions and plan for slower journeys because it seems unlikely to reopen before rush hour tomorrow.


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One Response

  1. Paul Ankers says:

    The road reopened at 4.30pm on 1/3. There will be temporary traffic lights until about 8pm.

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