Green Lane Park Improvements

by paulankers on 3 October, 2016

Good news for residents near Green Lane/Davenport Rd as the park play area will be getting a revamp in early 2017.

Four pieces of new equipment will be put in place, including a sidewinder see saw & a rotaweb rope climbing frame. Sadly, the basketball net will make way for these improvements. There will also be much needed repairs to the path leading to the play area.

Local Campaigner Paul Ankers is a father to a one year old and uses the park regularly. “Its a popular play area with my family, but needs a refresh.”

Local Lib Dems have had to report broken glass and other problems in the park. We aim to tackle anti social behaviour in the park. There should be excellent local facilities for toddlers and teenagers alike,

Local Cllr Jon Twigge said, “Residents get concerned about this and other areas with teenagers hanging about, but government cuts mean the Council provide very little youth services.”

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. frozenwarning says:

    This is indeed good news. I presume you thanked the Labour executive that made it happen

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